About Us

Mansfield Anglican Parish is a welcoming and active church with people of all ages. It offers a variety of Church services and activities throughout the week.

Children and young families are welcome at all services.

The Parish currently has churches in Mansfield and Jamieson. You can see the current schedule of services and activities on the Events Page.

Our Parish is committed to social justice, mission and outreach.

Parish Priest

Reverend Melissa Clark


Note: Mondays are the Priest’s day off.

45 Highett Street, Mansfield Vic 3722
P.O.Box 261, Mansfield, Vic. 3724

Members of the Parish Council:


Stuart Bett (St Peter’s Jamieson)
John Gilson (St Johns, Mansfield)
Pat Webb – Secretary

Parish Councillors:

John Adams
Meg Broomfield
Trish Gilson
Gwen Gray
Stuart Grey
Libby Vasey – Treasurer
Jan White

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