Snippets from the Mansfield Anglican Parish Council – February 2020

Dear members and friends of the Anglican Parish of Mansfield,

The interval between Parish Council meetings has changed in 2020.  Parish Council meets now on the even numbered months as of the recent February meeting. The reason for this is that there is so much planning and many activities to be undertaken by the major committees that report to the Parish Council. This will give these committees time to meet and work. These committees – Ministry, Community Interaction and Stewardship – arise from the work of the Parish’s Strategic Plan. As well the new Activities/Events Committee has produced a calendar for the year that will involve many members of the Parish.  This committee will report to the Parish Council.  The parish Council will have an overview of all work being planned or under way.

Some of the developments being considered include setting up a pastoral care group and holding a Harvest Festival that would include a Thanksgiving service for families who have a long history with the Church.  The commissioning of the Parish Council would be done formally then as well.  Jane Freemantle is working with other churches to organise an ecumenical picnic that would give members of the various churches a chance to meet.

The Community Interaction Group is looking at ways to develop relationships with groups within the community at large, where we as a parish could offer support and mutual benefit. The ecumenical picnic would be an example of this. Snippets falls under the auspice of this group. Snippets will continue to provide a snapshot of Parish Council thinking as well as keeping the Parish aware of activities and events that are being planned. It may be possible in the month between Parish Council meetings to provide interesting articles from other writers.

The Stewardship group has a wide brief that includes maintaining the fabric of the Churches of the Parish.  Further work is being planned on improving the drainage around St John’s Church and hall.  Quotes are being sought for this. The congregation of St. Peter’s Jamieson is delighted with the newly painted door of the Church (see below).

Gilli Bruce has worked hard on our website and Facebook pages.  Please visit them and ‘like’ the Facebook entries.  She is very keen to have more photographs and articles from the Parish.  These social media outlets are vital for the Parish as so many people use it only as a source of information.  Members of the Parish joined an excursion organised by the Diocese to the fire damaged areas of the Ovens Valley.  As well as coverage on Facebook, there is a photo of participants enjoying the day in this week’s Mansfield Courier.  For your reference: website:


Gilli Bruce: gillimbruce1@bigpond.comor 0429195283

All are welcome to participate in the Lent and the Easter Services.  Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, 26th February with a Eucharist at 10am at St. John’s Church in Mansfield.  Bring palm crosses from last year and place them in the bowl at the back of the Church for burning in order to make ashes for the ceremony.  Full details of the Easter services are at the end of Snippets.

Social events are being planned for the end of this month and next.  The Parish Progressive Dinner is on 29th February – only a few sleeps away! See Snippet’s recent email for details. The evening begins at 5pm at Magnolia House, 190 Buller Road and then the rest of the evening is in the Church hall and Rectory garden.  The cost is $30 all included.  Please contact Ann Herbert (Ph. 03 5775 1689) for tickets.

The next event is the Open Garden day on 29th March with four gardens featured in the programme.  More details of this event later, but put the date in your diary so that you can enjoy a wonderfully diverse group of gardens.

Ash Wednesday: 26th February:  10am Eucharist at St. John’s Mansfield

Easter observances:

Sunday 5th April:      Palm Sunday, 9am St John’s Mansfield.

Thursday 9th April:  Maundy Thursday, 6pm – 9pm extended meal as Eucharist.

Friday 10th April:      Good Friday 9am Solemn Eucharist at St. John’s Mansfield.

Saturday 11th April: First Eucharist of Easter at 7.30pm at St. Peter’s Jamieson.

Sunday 12th April:    7.30am Service at Christ Church Bonnie Doon (led by UCA)

Sunday 12th April:    Easter Vigil (First Eucharist of Easter at St. John’s) 6.00am’

                                          Festival Eucharist 9.30am at St. John’s Mansfield.

                             Painted doors of St. Peter’s Jamieson

Trish Gilson

Parish Councillor 

February 2020

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