Members of parish Council were delighted to welcome two new members at the December meeting. Gilli Bruce and Stuart Gray will add much to Parish Council discussion from their background in business and computing. It has been the aim to broaden the skills and interest of those on Parish Council and they will certainly do that. There are four wardens and nine Council members now.
Gilli Bruce reported on her work on the website and Facebook and much discussion resulted from this. A reminder about contact numbers and the website address follows at the end of Snippets. Once Facebook is up we are hoping that parishioners will spread news of our activities and ideas on their social media pages.
Jim Freemantle was pleased to report that painting of the outside of St. John’s Church and the repointing and painting at St. Peter’s Jamieson has been completed. The work has improved the appearance of the two Churches.
Helen Jennion, the Warden for Christ Church Bonnie Doon, reported on the progress being made there on their plans to refurbish the Church. Members of the congregation have started work and Parish Council is grateful for the time and effort being put into this. More plans are to be underway in the new year.
The new Activity/Events Group met and identified and outlined a timetable for the events of 2020. The first is the Progressive Dinner on Saturday 22nd February. Ros and John Adams have offered Magnolia House at 190 Buller Road for the first course. The main course will be in the Parish Hall as usual and the dessert on the Rectory’s front lawn. There will be a guest speaker between the second and third course. This is always a very enjoyable evening with delicious food.
As of 2020, the full Parish Council will meet on every even numbered month. In between meetings other Parish committees, especially the Strategic Plan groups, will meet and report to the full Council. It is felt that this will spread the work and let all committees have time to work more effectively.
Please keep in touch:
Locum Priest, Father Paul Dalzell 0467 682 036
Parish Council, John Gilson 0417 582 982
Parish Secretary, Pat Webb 0432 411 205/message 5775 2704
Media Coordinator, Gilli Bruce 0429 195 283
Parish Email
If you have any photographs or news items please send them to
Gilli Bruce – details above.
Trish Gilson
Parish Council
December 2019